Start Online Poker Business

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  3. Poker Business Plan

Start your Online Poker or Casino Business The Online poker and online casino business is the most talked about phenomena in Gambling/gaming today. 60% of the industry experts MECN surveyed believe that online poker and online casino will be the dominant offer in online. We also offer a unique standalone and white label casino and poker software solutions to start your own online gaming business. Contact us now and get access to game demos and pricing on advanced. Nature of online business With an internet-based poker platform, you need not worry about the usual overheads, such as rent, tellers, dealers, or security guards. Certain aspects will, however, entail costs. All of these top real money online poker sites for beginners have the lowest of stakes available. These low stakes tables are a great place to get your feet wet before moving up to higher stakes. Get Started Playing Online Poker Now!

Think Big PictureWhen You Start Your Own Online Poker Gaming Business

There is a goldrush happening right now on the internet, one that is making people allover the world literal overnight millionaires. All over the globe moreand more people are jumping online and starting their very own onlinecasinos and poker rooms. This boom is just starting to swell now, andthere is still time to get in before it pops, or the market becomes toosaturated with providers that it’s not a sure thing anymore.

One thing thatis for sure is that online gaming has grown more and more popular overrecent years and is turning into a multi-billion dollar industry thatmany are looking to get there hands in on. If you’re looking to start apoker website, there are a number of things that you have to keep inmind.

Your Entire Businessis Conducted Online

Start Online Poker Business Plan

No security team prowlingyour premises. No comped drinks and rooms. No tellers, no dealers, nomaintenance crews. The usual overhead is completely obliterated. Youare in the driver seat of a cost effective and really exciting onlinegaming business.

Are theircosts to running it? Sure, of course there are. You’re going to needheavy duty systems that can process the kind of traffic you’ll get, areliable security system to make sure your players are protected fromoutside attacks, a dedicated customer support team, and a merchantaccount that won’t buckle under the load of so many zeros hitting yourbank account.
One thing of utmost importance is to gain the trust of your clients,which is going to come from hard work and following all of the properprocedures to make sure that you are both treating your clients fairlywith regard to winning possibilities, and making sure that you aremaking their experience fun and exciting. When you keep your clientshappy after starting a poker website of your own, then chances arethey’re going to keep coming back which means you’ll be able to stay inbusiness.
If you would like to run a successful online poker gaming business,then there are number of different things that you have to focus yourattention on in order to get your business up and running.

The GamingLicense

One of the mostimportant steps to starting your own poker website is to obtain agaming license from respective gaming authority that gives you thepermission you need to run the online poker gaming business. Withoutthis license, you are not legally allowed to run the poker gamingbusiness. The process of getting the gaming license can be timeconsuming and costly so it is advised that this process is started assoon as possible.

Online gaming isalmost impossible to set up in the US right now. I say almost, becausenothing is every truly impossible. But for the time being you shouldfocus your energy on offshore ideas, which isn’t really a bad thing.Gambling isn’t strictly a US kind of thing; it’s becoming incrediblypopular all over the globe. And since you are starting your casinoonline, you have the entire world at your fingertips. Without anyphysical location holding you down, you can literally be anywhere ateverywhere, all at the same time.

My best adviceis for you to check your local laws, and make absolutely certain thatyou won’t be running into any trouble with your new online gamingbusiness. If there is even the slightest chance that you could be introuble, either look to set it up elsewhere or don’t do it at all. Therisk may feel worth the riches you can reap, but you have to weighthese very carefully. The last I checked you can’t drive a brand newLamborghini or Ferrari from a jail cell.

Check yourlocal, state, and government laws to see what you can and cannot do,and hire an experienced attorney to walk you through it all.

The actualgambling license to operate online gaming site is issued by manygovernments worldwide, but the most popular jurisdictions issuing suchoffshore gambling licenses are from the Caribbean and Pacific IslandGovernments such as Antigua and Barbuda, Costa Rica, St Kitts,Dominica, Curacau and Vanuatu. Read more details at
Poker Software For Your Online Poker Room
When it comes time to actually providing your clients with the onlinepoker experience, you’ll need to develop or license good poker softwarethat your players will use. There are a number of options for obtainingthe poker software needed for your online gaming business.
One option, and the most expensive option of all, is to develop yourown poker software or have it built for you by reputable gamingsoftware developers. This can be the most time consuming process aswell because of the extreme difficulty involved in doing so and becauseof the man hours that are required to create poker software that ishighly advanced and well designed to provide the best possible gamingexperience for your customers.
Another less expensive option to start your own online poker website isto license the poker software from a gamingsoftware company. The average licensing fees are around $150,000. Inmost cases a royalty is paid to the poker software provider as apercentage of the monthly 'take' or 'drop' (gross profit). Usually thepoker software provider has payment processing (merchant accountproviders) already set up for a fully turnkey operation. The purchasingprice of one of these turnkey poker solutions depends on customizationsand other features, but it is less expensive than creating an entiregaming website yourself, developing a poker software for it, andsetting up deposit and banking capabilities.

The mostaffordable way to start your own online poker gaming business is tobecome a Licensee of an online poker softwareprovider. This is a far less expensive option to start your ownonline poker room. It is also the most popular option for both licensedland-based establishments as well as entrepreneurs. Costs range from$10,000 to $60,000. The sub licensee is responsible for all themarketing and receives a smaller percentage than a full licensee,because royalties paid to the licensee are much higher.
Marketing Your Online Poker Gaming Business

Online Poker Free

After you haveobtained your gaming license and have gotten your poker software put inplace and are ready to open up for business, the last thing you need todo to hit the ground running is get the word out about it through asmany different advertising and promoting capabilities as possible.Without any customers (players), your poker website won’t be able togrow and generate revenue need to pay for the costs. When you have ahigh amount of loyal customers, your poker website will be a successand you will enjoy the benefits of owning your own online poker roomgaming business.

A major factor of successfor your online poker room is marketing. Without promoting your pokergaming site, potential players will not be able to find you and willspend their money elsewhere. Some good marketing strategiesinclude:

• Creating features, such asblogs and helpful playing tips, that will draw people in to your siteand encourage them to stay and play • Setting up advertisementcampaigns on websites targeting specific demographics

• Investing in search engineoptimization (SEO) to get your poker site to rank high in popularsearch engines to drive traffic to it

• Utilizing offline adcampaigns, such as magazine and radio ads

• Getting reviews and ratings ofyour poker gaming website on gaming forums and other gamingsites. Without the players, you will receive no profit from yourinvestment into poker software.

A good marketing campaign canmake all the difference in getting users to use your online pokergaming business as their playing headquarters.

Player Incentives

A good way to have your pokersoftware games stand out from the pack is to offer promotions andbonuses to your players. Bonuses and reward programs serve to enticenew customers, as well as retaining current players. Some bonuses thatcan be implemented are:

• First deposit bonuses, whereyou add a percentage or match the amount deposited into the player'saccount

• Reload bonuses, where apercentage is added to the amount that a player reloads into theiraccount to continue playing

Poker Business Plan

• Free plays up to a certaindollar amount, with no deposit required to attract new customers

Online sites are more profitablethan land based casinos, due to their low overhead costs, so they canafford to offer more bonuses to their customers. Good promotions can bea great way to attract a lot of new customers, and creative incentiveprograms can put you ahead of the competition. Many players are lookingfor the best deal, and if you can offer that consistently, chances areyou will have a very loyal and dedicated customer player base.

Online poker offers a wealth ofopportunities to the dedicated entrepreneur. If you're willing toinvest the time and money it takes to have a unique and compelling website, and employ a creative focus to bring in and keep players hookedto your site, you will be successful in the gambling industry. At theroot of every one of the top poker sites is high quality poker softwarethat will keep players coming back day after day.

Contact ustoday to receive detailed information on available online casino,multiplayer poker and sports book gaming solutions and our accountexecutive will contact you within 24 hours to discuss your options. Welook forward to hearing from you!

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Start Online Poker Business

The Online poker and online casino business is the most talked about phenomena in Gambling/gaming today. 60% of the industry experts MECN surveyed believe that online poker and online casino will be the dominant offer in online gambling and live gambling as well, for the years to come.

As poker sites are sold for about USD 300 million and some reach an estimated pre-IPO evaluation of between USD 4 billion and USD 8 billion, online poker has become a business to watch.
We intend to take away all the pain factors that exist to make this a successful business venture for you, whichever way you choose to go with us: as a white label solution or as a standalone venture.

Key Differentiators

  • Internationalization Support
  • Multiple skins ability
  • Scalability, Robustness, Fault Tolerance
  • Regression and game rule test suite
  • Advance Fraud and collusion detection algorithms
  • Multiple Channels to deliver the game - Download, No Download and Mobile.
  • Customized payment processing Suite
  • Comprehensive Fraud Control Software
  • Affiliate Management System
  • Online Marketing Set up and support

There are probably several poker and casino software providers around as you and I both know, and we will not compete with exuberance or exaggeration. We do not want to.
The current 'biggies' will give you everything you want for a fatter fee, yet there will be lack of CUSTOMIZATION and proper care that we can provide, and the small fish will give you very less to nothing, because they will quote less, and they have to cater to their own bread and butter.
So do us a favor... before you think about how much it's going to cost you, think about how much it's going to make you. This is a business decision... and business owners make decisions based not only on cost, but on potential income too.
How much would you honestly fork over for something that makes you almost 6 figures a month the first year itself with the correct monetary input, with no effort on your part as far as the product and services are concerned?
Think about it... what are your alternatives?
Most of the other serious software providers or networks out there are either insanely expensive, or charge a crazy monthly fee too...$15000 a month sometimes...which is $150000 plus for a year...$75000 up front plus, $15000 a month. Insane prices...
Well guess what...none of those things are going to make you a single buck in all probability. Cybergaming will, if you draw on it right. It will make you tens of thousands of bucks, hundreds of thousands...millions even...all you gotta do it play it right. Simple.
We've worked with scores of small, medium and large companies, including more than a handful multi-million dollar clients - and they've all needed something unique to their business environment. We've combined over ten decades of experience to offer you a range of gaming software solutions. In Cybergaming gaming products section and Cybergaming gaming services section you'll find a snapshot of our capabilities.
Can't find exactly what you're looking for? Call us anyway. Chances are we've done it before. Starting your gaming business is going to be a fun experience with us. Guaranteed.